If I backup my Discourse, will I be able to re-upload later with no data loss?

I want to table my discourse community for awhile because we have pushed out launching for 8 months. So there is no point of me paying 50 bucks a month for something I am not going to touch.

Which means I have to cancel my subscription. And the content will disappear.

I am wondering if I back it up and re-upload at a later date with a new subscription if it would capture all the likes, etc. The gifs posted in each post that has been made. Images etc. Let me know how I can put this Discourse on the back burner without losing the content that was already contributed. There are a bunch of posts with pictures and gifs etc.

Thank you.


Yes when you backup your Discourse, you can restore it at anytime with all that info – likes, uploads, posts, etc.

You can read more here:

If you wish, you can also self-host your Discourse forum (which can also be a lot cheaper than official hosting – pricing is at a minimum of just $6 USD/month on Digital Ocean) and you will also be able to restore it with all that information.


You need to get the backup after you cancel or otherwise see that the downloads are included with the backup.

To be safe, I’d restore it on a self install just to make sure.


What does this mean? My intention is to backup and then cancel.

The posts linked above explain it. You should read those. Until you cancel the backups don’t include the images.