iPhone and overlapping menus

Sorry, one of those days and I just can’t remember right term in English. Let’s call those as menus and a screenshot describes actual issue.

iPhone 15 plus (updated iOS) and DiscourseHub.

Please, don’t mind the language — you should understand anyway.

Dependig how high or low pasted text is I can see both menus or from Discourse is totally or partly hidden.

Same happends on iPad too, but in that case it is enough if I tap pasted text and then menu of device will disappear and from AI helper stays. But with iPhone both are closed.

And what is funny too, is old iPhone SE works similar way than iPad, but brand new 15 plus started this teasing. Matter of size of screen when SE is tiny one and 15 plus is close to huge. Or different resolution of screen? Differences from same iOS, because some parts aren’t active in SE?

I have bad feelings there isn’t too much to do and we have to blaim Apple and/or mobiles in general, but you guys are devs and know better.