Is it possible to override a muted category with a certain tag?

I mute categories on default for my forum. This works in all instances except one, which is that I want topics tagged with #meeting-report in muted categories to be viewable / regular for everybody. Is it possible to do this right now?


Why not have a category for meeting reports and have that unmuted by default? ALthough I DO like the idea of unmuted tags overriding it. We’d use that.


Have you tried to see what happens if you watch that tag? I’m not sure about the precedence. Maybe you can just make everyone watch that tag?

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We’re a distributed team with many sub-teams, each with its own category. The first audience for meeting reports is the specific sub-team that generated the meeting report, so it makes sense for the meeting report to be in their category. However, the purpose of the meeting reports is for transparency into what’s happening across the entire organization, which is why I want everyone to be able to view meeting reports by default. It’s a matter of limiting the noise and highlighting the signal. No one person needs to see each and every post in sub-teams they are not a part of, but they should have insight into the big picture things those teams are working on.

I wouldn’t want everyone to watch a tag, but rather just be able to see it on Regular.

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No, this is not possible at the current time, nor is it on our roadmap.

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