The number of topics matching a tag on the list at /tags
includes all topics with that tag, but if you click on a tag it links to /tag/tag-name
, which omits topics if they are from muted categories.
This can be confusing.
The number of topics matching a tag on the list at /tags
includes all topics with that tag, but if you click on a tag it links to /tag/tag-name
, which omits topics if they are from muted categories.
This can be confusing.
Sorry, I don’t understand what you wrote?
Darn. The tag list shows a count of the number of topics that each tag has. You can click a tag to see the topics that have that tag. Usually if it shows that there are 5 topics with that tag, you’ll see those 5 topics when you click the tag.
If those topics are in muted categories, when you click the tag it shows no topics. The search it does ignores the muted categories before it looks for the tags.
Did that make sense?
This is still an issue.
Just because I have a category muted doesn’t mean that when you click a tag that it should yield no results.
You could try if the “Notify me about topics in categories or tags I’m watching that also belong to one I have muted” option, changes the behaviour. The preference is a little hidden: It’s only shown below the tracking preferences when you watch a category and muted a category or tag. But there is also a site setting to configure the default for all users
Thanks, but unfortunately, that still doesn’t work. And frankly, this seems far more like a Bug — and a fairly obvious one. This has go to very much be an unintended consequence of the mute function. I’m a bit concerned because @pfaffman brought this up 3 years ago and nothing has been done, and my site simply doesn’t function the way it needs to without this being addressed.
I think it is quite complex. You have the status of the topic, the status of the category, and the statuses of the tags. The expectations of which status will overrule which can be quite different.
On the one hand, the current behavior is helpful. For example, if I didn’t want to see Developer Guides when browsing documentation topics because I’m not a developer and they don’t matter to me. My preference does not change when I’m looking for documentation about data-explorer. I still don’t want topics for developers.
On the other hand, there are also use cases where the opposite would be more helpful, like in Is it possible to override a muted category with a certain tag?
Has this ever been fixed? We have the same issue. We mute a category, but then the tags list page for that category shows no topics, even if the tags page shows a count for those tags. Why does the tags page not show topics from muted categories? The category page shows the topics, even when muted but the tags don’t?