Isabelle, an Animal Crossing inspired theme

I think we can all use a bit of an escape this week, so I’ve built a theme based on one of my favorite game series: Animal Crossing. This one is specifically inspired by Pocket Camp’s interface.

This theme features calm earthy colors, rounded corners, and chunky buttons.

:raccoon: Github repo:

:cat: Preview on Theme Creator

:dog: How do I install a Theme or Theme Component?

There’s still a little more refinement to be done, and I’d like to add some fun background pattern options… but I’m sharing this today to celebrate the release of New Horizons. :heart:


I just finished setting this game up with one of my daughters! Lovely :heart_eyes:


This theme is so cute! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Now we need a topic transform animation when you scroll topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing work @awesomerobot !


I think something may have changed? I’m suddenly unable to see the three-dot menu on posts:



Thanks for reporting! we updated the default style of those menus and I should go through some of the themes and make sure they’re working as expected.

I’ve made the update for this one:


Hi @awesomerobot,

Hope you can help me figure this one out, I’m using the theme (which, by the way, it’s beautiful) and I’m having an issue similar to the one posted by @Heather_Dudley but on the hamburger menu.

If you are using “Box” Category Style the Categories don’t show on the Hamburger Menu. Can you help me on how to fix that?

I’m trying to learn CSS by looking at your theme and comparing it to the default one.


Hi @awesomerobot thanks for this theme and for the updates.
Love it! :crazy_face:
I tried adding the blog component but there´s a page width problem.
I have no idea if it´s the theme or if it´s the blog component.
If you ever have them loaded up and have a minute. Thanks


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this is good job , ty.

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An FYI! The theme is cutting off half of the hamburger menu; only one that’s affected atm. NOt sure if it’s the theme or something else, just not getting the same issue on default nor other themes:

Have to switch over to access guidelines.


I’ve made an update that should fix this and some other issues. This includes some fixes due to Discourse changes in 2.6.0.beta4. So to get the theme update you’ll need to update Discourse first. Thanks for reporting!


Changes look good! But it wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t finding more problems!

Users on Safari, iPhone with iOS 13.7 are seeing text overflow on some threads. The text is covering the scroll bar. I can’t confirm this one as I have no iThings!


Thanks again! I’ve got a fix in that solves this.


HI Kris: I love your theme and have installed it. But I’m a newbie and have a question - I need to remove the share button and I can’t edit the theme. Do yo have a component that does this? Have to remove it as my group is a very private and confidential group. tx for any advice.

You can go to your Admin Settings and search for ‘share’. The first result shows the post menu. Just remove the share item from the post menu.

That doesn’t remove it from the bottom of the post unfortunately. Already done that.

Wow! This theme is gorgeous! :heart:

#topic-footer-button-share-and-invite { display:none; }

Can editing css/html be enabled? I don’t see the option and would like to make a few tweaks to the theme. :<

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Best practice is not to store your CSS with a remote theme and this has been enforced recently. This post explains the change and how to keep your local css edits:

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