Issues with Blocked Words


So, on this forum I am an admin on, I was trying to update moderation guidelines I had set. Anyways, when I went to save the edit, the system told me that the words “short,” and “shouldn’t” were banned. I went into the watched words section and searched for the words. They weren’t there. I went into the test section and it confirmed they were blocked but didn’t let me unblock. If you need to know what plan the forum is on, we are hosted on the probono plan. (thanks discourse) Please help. Thanks!

From my experience, feedback was also blocked

As for the word short and shouldn't, those words appear to be blocked with the regex sho*t
Go to the watched words and press the X button to the left of the word to remove a watched word.

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I did. The x doesnt exist. Let me pull up screenshots rq.

Not going to show the words we have blocked. They’re blocked for a reason.

There’s no option to unblock them.

Get out of that screen, find the word that triggers it, then click the X. It may be more difficult on words with regexes.

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That’s the issue. Searching around, the words don’t appear anywhere.

Hello Twofoursixeight

Our current issue is the fact that those words are not showing up at all in the menu.
I am a administrator there, and I will attach some screenshots of the menu.
There are certaint insulting terms in there. View with discretion.


we have solved the issue, so I removed ss.

I know: Remove the filter sh*t for the false positives “shouldn’t” and “short” and remove the filter f*ck for the false positive word of “feedback”
Wildcards are useful but they can sometimes create false positives. I assume you just want to block the swear words.

Another comment, I believe you should edit that out since I’m not sure this forum tolerates those words


Oh, thank you very much.
I see the problem now.

Also, yes, I am going to delete them now

Sometimes it is necessary to refer to offensive words in an appropriate manner, this was OK.

I encourage hiding them behind spoiler tags or details blocks as you did, e.g.:




screenshots of bad words


[details=screenshots of bad words]