Minima Theme

Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t notice the header.html file in desktop/. I somehow thought the theme was entirely css. Problem solved, thank you!


Great theme @awesomerobot!

I see that you have deliberately removed the “suggested topics” header but is there a way I can add it back? Many of my readers’ first experience of discourse will be via the comments section of my blog and they may not appreciate what this list is.

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Love the theme, thank you :+1:t2:

I am experiencing what appears to be a minor margin issue when a topic is selected. Reproducible here on Meta.


This theme uses hardcoded Google fonts, so it can lead to legal issues when it is used in Germany.

Websites are actively getting fined for this. Google Fonts lands website privacy fine by German court • The Register

Would it be possible to make this optional or at least put up a big warning somewhere?


I noticed this edit history bug with this theme (Minima Dark) where the ux is wonky. (Discourse Meta)

Germany might be the richest country in the world by the end of the year :thinking:

I’ve just made an update that adds a little bit of sidebar and chat styles and also includes the fonts as theme assets, so it’s all local now, no more requests to Google


Germany isn’t that much behind California, and totally without Silicon Valley.

But such court cases aren’t that common in Germany either. It is part of acts against huge corporations, and because of that limitations will increase. EU has quite different direction than USA has.

That means we need two options:

  • the base must be builded without Google etc (hate to say it, but without need to use tech where data will be transferred to Russia, China and USA)
  • there can and quite often must be an option to use what big corporations offer, but users must have tools to be anonymized
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If that were true… we have a number of small (< 10 employees) German clients that have been encountering this.


Anyone have an update on this request?


Are the user card and profile background/header images removed from this theme?


Also, curious if group based Avatar flair has been removed?

aaaand another question! :grin:

Has anyone gotten Topic List Thumbails working on Minima?