Move topic / posts to Private Conversation

Is it possible to move a topic / posts to a private conversation?

A couple of members are having a decidedly private conversation (exchanging telephone numbers etc) in a public forum…
… right now I would love to move their conversation into a new private message thread between the two of them.

Is this possible?

Seems to be. Create a PM with the individuals involved. Copy the Topic ID out of the URL, go to the Topic that is public, select all of the posts and choose Move to Existing, paste the PM Topic ID, check it and click Move to Existing Topic.

I haven’t actually completed all the steps, but the PM Topic showed up in my list to select…


Thanks @cpradio - I just tried it and it worked.

The only oddity was impersonating one of the participants to initially create the private conversation.

With the old topic I marked as unlisted and closed - updating the close message to indicate it was moved to a private message.


As of 1.6 beta, there is now a “make Private” option in the topic admin wrench.

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This feature is now implemented. Details here: