Not sure if this is the correct behaviour, but when moving posts to an existing topic do the posts “blend” together by date or do all the posts that are “merged in” appear at the bottom and dates are ignored.
I moved posts with older dates (20 day ago) to an existing topic with existing posts (many are 10 days ago), but the older dated posts appear that the bottom and the date order is being ignored. Can this be fixed?
first things first: Happy new year everyone and keep up the spirit of Discourse for the next decade to come!
We just moved some posts from the topic [1] to a newly created topic at [2] on our forum and found the order of posts just completely reversed. As far as I am concerned, this is the first time such thing happened to us. Normally, all posts selected have been attached to the new topic in the same order they have been listed before.
Does anyone have an idea why this just happened to us? We are running 2.4.0.beta8.
Thanks already for taking the time and with kind regards,
The moved posts kept their dates. That topic was created on Nov’18 and those posts you moved were made in April. And they still keep their dates as expected.