Newly installed Discourse instance in local VM, no admin menu

It may seem obvious to some, but I can’t see admin option under ‘hamburger’ button. I tried hitting hostname/admin in browser but it shows as The page you requested doesn’t exist or is private.
Just to confirm, I installed it on Debian 7 using info from here:

Other than that, it works along with the postfix part, but I can’t get around app admin issue.

Did you log in as a Moderator or Admin?

i.e. on my localhost I need to log in as “eviltrout” to see the Admin pages.

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Just as a regular user, I have no clue how to login as admin since I have no options on login page. I am new to Discourse, I need to evaluate if for one of our groups at work. As per readme, I should be able to log on to admin console just by adding /admin at the end of base URL, for example mydiscourse
But it does not work for me. I will fire up another VM to use docker installation as listed elsewhere (can’t have 2 links in this post :wink:


??? No inputs for member name and password?

Try “eviltrout” and “password”

I couldn’t find where I originally saw it but

eviltrout an admin
jatwood regular user
password: password.

If you search around there are command lines for converting your account to admin, if you are doing a development setup. Our standard Docker install guide links directly to the howto for it.

thanks Jeff,
I found it but the info is related to Docker installation. Is there a way to do it on a instance without the Docker? /var/discourse does not exist in my installation.
I do have discourse files at /opt/discourse/
Here is my login page:

As you can see, no Admin option. Is it related to the face that there was no admin account enabled yet? The reason I don’t want to use docker for the evaluation are internal security policies, so I have to do it the hard way ;(
thx. again.

UPDATE: Works OK in Docker, but I was wondering is there a way to make it work as a standalone app?

Docker is the only installation method which is supported, packgr was contributed by the community and is no longer maintained.