No longer assigned: deletion of assignments row vs `active=false`

I’m using the Data Explorer to look at assignments and what I believe I’ve discovered is that if an assignment is removed explicitly via the Unassign button, the row is deleted from the assignments table. But if the assignment is removed implicitly via closing the topic, the row is retained and the assignment is marked active=false.

What I’m wondering is whether there’s some deeper meaning / thinking at work here (and if so, what?), or if it’s just the result of two different devs who did things differently from each other.


If you reopen the topic the assignment becomes active again, so I think that one is more like cold storage.


This allows a neat management trick: close, and auto-reopen the topic at a set time. I do this with paperwork all the time, where I need to send something off and check it in the future. It de-clutters my assignments list in the meantime. :+1:


This time plain like is not enough. That is just brilliant solution!

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That’s not the behavior I’m seeing. Did we flip a setting somewhere?

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Oooh, maybe. Having a quick look I think they’re disabled by default, so the potential is there but you’d have to toggle them:


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