Quoting a post fills in incorrect quote?

Has this happened to anyone else, and is it “operator error” or a true bug? Namely, on a forum I frequent that uses Discourse I’ll reply to a post, hit the speech bubble to quote the comment I’m replying to, type out my reply etc. and go on my merry way. Later when visiting the same thread, it appears I’ve quoted someone other than the person I’m replying to, and the avatar of the correct replied-to poster is in fact showing, so it makes my comment look like a non sequitur.

On other occasions I’ve seen it happen to someone other than me, where I’ll see my comment in a thread has been quoted in person A’s post, but the reply is meant for person B’s post and not for mine.

I use three difference forums run by Discourse and I’ve never seen this type of issue before. Is it 100% reproducible?

Thanks for the reply. No, it’s something I’ve only noticed here and there. It happened to my reply to a post just yesterday and I can’t figure out how, because 1) I’d quoted the whole incorrect post, and thus had almost certainly used the speech bubble button, but 2) it was clear from the little “replied to” avatar on the upper right that I’d replied to the correct post, which was the one immediately following/below the incorrect one, now that I think about it.

Pure speculation but on the same forums I’ve sometimes noticed a reply appearing to precede the post it’s replying to (and other users report seeing the same thing), so perhaps it’s related to that?

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BTW it gets weirder now. I’ve gone back to my post in question and the “replied-to” icon is no longer there, even though I distinctly remember seeing it yesterday on my phone when pointing out the weirdness to another person. The guy who maintains the forums says the version just updated to 3.4.0 or something, if it makes a difference.

does this happen in safe mode?

Well, I’ve since corrected the quote in my post and all that, and it’s only ever happened a couple of times, so I don’t know how much good it would do to enter safe mode for those forums. Don’t know if the etiquette here allows me to post the particular forums or the permalink to the post in question.