Sam's Simple Theme

I have made my own changes to the new look for my site, have more I wish to do but here is what it looks like:

Figured I could share my variation for those that are curious.


  • Remove colspan attribute from main topic link td since it isn’t necessary
  • Clean up CSS to be more concise and use more SCSS capabilities
  • Hide topic list header
  • Make show more update bar smaller
  • Update to latest changes from @sam (though he is missing his latest changes here)
  • Styles no longer mess with category table, still need to clean that up to be simpler as well


Note: You should update $primary and $tertiary to match what you have in your colors config under the same names

$primary: #48484a;
$tertiary: #CF3337;

.show-more {
    top: -29px;

    .alert {
        padding: 5px 35px 5px 14px;

.topic-list:not(.categories) {
  margin: 26px 0 10px;

  thead {
    display: none;

  > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: white;

  > tbody td {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;

  a.title:not(.badge-notification) {
    color: $primary;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 16px;
    &:visited {
        color: scale-color($primary, $lightness: 30%);
    &:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;

  .creator, .editor {
    font-size: 13px;
    display: block;
    margin-top: 3px;
    a {
        color: $primary;

  .main-link {
    width: auto;

  td, .creator a, .editor a, .badge-wrapper a.badge-category {
    color: scale-color($primary, $lightness: 50%);

  td {
    padding-bottom: 5px;
    &:first-of-type {
        padding-left: 10px;
        padding-top: 5px;

  .fa-tag {
    opacity: 0.7;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin-right: -2px;
  .num.replies {
    font-size: 17px;
    color: #666;
    min-width: 75px;

  .last-post {
    min-width: 130px;
    .relative-date {
      color: #666;

.last-post {
    .poster-avatar {
        margin-right: 10px;
    .poster-avatar, .poster-info {
        float: left;

.creator .badge-wrapper {
    .badge-category-parent {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0px 1px;

    .badge-category {
        padding: 0 0 0 3px;
        margin-right: 5px;
        font-size: 13px;
        font-weight: normal;


<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='list/topic_list_item.raw'>

  <td class='main-link clearfix'>
    {{raw "topic-status" topic=topic}}
    {{topic-link topic}}

    {{#if controller.showTopicPostBadges}}
      {{raw "topic-post-badges" unread=topic.unread newPosts=topic.displayNewPosts unseen=topic.unseen url=topic.lastUnreadUrl}}

    {{raw "list/topic-excerpt" topic=model}}

    <div class='creator'>
        {{#if showCategory}}
            {{category-link topic.category showParent="true" onlyStripe="true"}}

        {{~#if topic.creator ~}}
            <a href="/users/{{topic.creator.username}}" data-auto-route="true" data-user-card="{{topic.creator.username}}">{{topic.creator.username}}</a>
            {{format-date topic.createdAt format="medium-with-ago"}}
        {{~/if ~}}
        {{raw "list/action-list" topic=topic postNumbers=topic.bookmarked_post_numbers className="bookmarks" icon="bookmark"}}
        {{raw "list/action-list" topic=topic postNumbers=topic.liked_post_numbers className="likes" icon="heart"}}

  {{#if controller.showLikes}}
    <td class="num likes">
      {{number topic.like_count}} <i class='fa fa-heart'></i>

  {{#if controller.showOpLikes}}
    <td class="num likes">
      {{number topic.op_like_count}} <i class='fa fa-heart'></i>

  <td class="num replies">

  <td class="last-post">
    <div class='poster-avatar'>
      <a href="{{topic.lastPostUr}}" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{avatar topic.lastPoster usernamePath="username" imageSize="medium"}}</a>

    <div class='poster-info'>
      <a href="{{topic.lastPostUrl}}">
        {{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="medium-with-ago"}}
      <span class='editor'><a href="/users/{{topic.last_poster_username}}" data-auto-route="true" data-user-card="{{topic.last_poster_username}}">{{topic.last_poster_username}}</a></span>

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='topic-list-header.raw'>
  {{raw "topic-list-header-column" order='posts' name='topic.title'}}

  {{#if showLikes}}
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable='true' order='likes' number='true' forceName='Likes'}}

  {{#if showOpLikes}}
    {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable='true' order='op_likes' number='true' forceName='Likes'}}

  {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable='true' number='true' order='views' forceName='Replies'}}
  {{raw "topic-list-header-column" sortable='true' order='activity' forceName='Last Post'}}

    showCategory: function(){
      return !this.get('controller.hideCategory') &&
        this.get('topic.creator') &&
        this.get('') !== 'uncategorized';

    creator: function(){
      var poster = this.get('posters.firstObject');
        return poster.user;
    lastPoster: function() {
      var poster = this.get('posters.lastObject');
        if (this.last_poster_username === poster.user.username){
          return poster.user;
        } else {
          return this.get('creator');
    replyCount: function(){
      return this.get('posts_count') - 1;
    hasReplies: function(){
      return this.get('posts_count') > 1;
