Tags restricted to a category are not available to plugins or components

I have noticed that plugins or theme components that are using the field type: list list_type: tag do not allow the use of tags that are restricted to a category. On my site I have everything in tag groups and assign those to many different categories to restrict usage.

I’ve ran into this in the Custom Wizard plugin (where I need access to all tags), and @merefield’s new TLP theme component.

Is this intentional behavior? Is there any chance this could be changed? It is really limiting, especially with the Custom Wizard plugin since I am trying to create a wizard that will create a new topic, but I can’t access any of my tags as options because they are all assigned to categories, the wizard could be going to a multitude of categories, but I would be setting up logic to restrict them to the right categories.

I know it’s edge use case, but some more flexibility here would be really nice!


Yes in case I’m missing something this behaviour doesn’t make sense? Whilst you might want to restrict use of tags to particular Categories this shouldn’t prevent you including them in a broader selection, for example in a site setting that features a set of site wide tags.

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I guess there’s no chance of getting this changed ehh? :sadpanda:

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I hate to drag this back up, but this limitation is so frustrating. I understand there is opportunity for failure if you select a category with a tag that can’t accept it, but there should be a bit more flexibility here. Thanks!

Hey @davidkingham, is this still a problem? I can’t reproduce anymore and it looks like this was fixed by @david back in February:


Thanks for bringing this up Osama, it appears it was fixed for theme components but not for plugins which is where I really need it. Any chance of that happening @david?

In theory the fix should have applied to Site Settings as well as theme components. Which plugin/setting are you seeing the issue in?


Thanks David, the issue is with the Custom Wizard plugin. Looking at your code it seems to only apply for components, but obviously I’m not qualified to make that assessment :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ah, the confusion may be because the file I changed was …/templates/components/site-settings/tag-list.hbs?

/components/ in this case refers to ‘Ember Components’, not ‘Theme Components’. This ember component is used for both Theme Settings and Site Settings.

Ah I see - and I guess the problematic dropdown is not in the regular /admin/site_settings area? If so, the problem will need to be fixed in the plugin. Let’s cc @angus on that. It should just be a case of adding everyTag=true to the relavent tag-chooser :crossed_fingers:


Yeah, that would be awesome to fix that!

Told you I wasn’t qualified :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thanks David.

I believe @fzngagan is doing most of the maintenance now so hopefully, he can provide some insight.


Thanks @david, this one’s addressed in the Custom Wizard plugin now.