Topic List Previews (TLP)

Thumbnails are a core feature now so my take is that’s a bit OTT?

ie technically all topics can have thumbnails once globally activated by having a TC with relevant metadata installed.


we just encountered an issue on 2.9beta9

The TLP TC causes the last activity date on mobile to be pulled to the left, see screenshot below. All features like thumbs, excerpts etc are disabled.


Thanks for the report. I’ll try to look at this when I can.

Regardless of homepage, I see the setting is not consistent when switching Discovery Topic Lists and when refreshing the page.


This should be fixed, the wide margin will no longer be displayed if user has not opted for Thumbnails

IMPROVE: reduce right section margin when no thumbnails required · paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews@bfa1f60 (


This should be fixed:

FIX: mobile meta and actions alignment in non-tiles · paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews@660879b (

IMPROVE: mobile non-tiles meta · paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews@73df618 (

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Experimental smart background colour determination has now been added to the public branch of the TC.

See the demo at

As you can see the text colour also switches based on the background colour for optimum clarity.

There are extreme edge cases where this doesn’t work as well for some of the controls (when the colour is perfectly in the middle of the grey range), but in general its pretty mature as I’ve been running it for my own site for a few weeks now (actually months if you include an older site I’ve since decommissioned).

I’ve gone as far as changing the way thumbnails are processed to get rid of black borders in order to better calculate the right dominant colour, scan the settings to see the options as there are a couple of strategies.

You need the sidecar plugin for this to work and the setting is global.

This works for all styles of view but works best for tiles (on both desktop and mobile).


For some reason the featured strip at the top is not appearing on homepage of our site - Only when I go into artwork category and come back to homepage it shows up and that too randomly.


Fixed, I hope: FIX: missing Featured Images on Categories page · paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews@0ebab1f · GitHub

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Thank very much for the quick response. I update the theme component.

Now it is showing the strip but for some reason it is showing the images of post which are not tagged as featured. Moreover there are only 2 images in the row now.

These two posts with these pictures do not have #featured tag on them.

Edit: this happens on soft reload by pressing ctrl shift R. if you click the logo if the site to reload the page again it shows correct images


Yep, something is not right, I’ll dig a little further.

Yeah, it’s an issue on reload only I believe but this may also affect home navigation …


@AdamAndrews @raghukamath

OK please update again, there is a workaround in place prior to a potential more permanent solution.

See: returning unexpected results in Theme Component - #4 by david

Commits: FIX: fix filtering of topics for featured images · paviliondev/discourse-tc-topic-list-previews@c985f9c · GitHub

Thanks @David @pfaffman


So far it loads correctly now. Thanks for fixing this quickly.

I see a change in order reverting to the order in which the post is created, and not based on the post update date. For now it seems okay but I will update here if anything is wrong.


Is the setting not working? I’ll take another look soon if so


Thanks for the quick turn around, everything seems good now from testing.


I have this enabled in the settings, earlier it used to always show posts which had latest post in the thread. Now it shows according to the date of thread creation. Which I correct I think according to the settings

But the issue is that If I feature an old post which might have been gone unnoticed or missed earlier it won’t come on the featured row since its creation date is old. I wish if there is a way to set the order according to the date of tag creation or edit.


Hi @merefield. On the latest version of discourse, I’m seeing overlaps of topic list items on mobile after clicking the bulk action button. (Tiles and excerpts enabled)


Oh that’s not currently supported on Tiles, it shouldn’t be possible to select that action under those circumstances, that’s a bug (on desktop there is no such button).

I’ll look to defeating that option and perhaps add support in the future.

The workaround for now is to create another theme with a maintenance style view to allow you to do bulk operations with a basic compact vanilla list of topics - tiles with bulk operations isn’t a good fit because of how much space they take up.


No bandwidth to look at this atm but if its currently not working as it once was I’ll take a look. soon.

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Yes, and even if it’s on mobile the button is not visible to users, plus I don’t do bulk operations often, so the bug isn’t of great importance. Just a little reminder of imperfection (of an already-sophisticated TC). :wink:

Thank you! Got it.


thanks for your patience :sweat_smile:

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