Topic List Sort By Votes in voting plugin

Any idea for when the plugin API will offer the functionality to let sorting by votes be included in the plugin?

Hoping “soon” is soon. :smiley:

I have added the required plugin API in discourse#7158 and used it in discourse-voting#38.

Sorry for taking me so long. :cry:


This is awesome, sorting by votes is now an option, but is there any way to make it a category default through the plugin per OP?

The Wyze Wishlist appears to sort by votes by default, but I’ve not had time to dig through their page to see if they’re using another method.

With the voting plugin installed these are the two available options:


Did I miss a step?

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You can add the option like this

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.25">
  api.modifyClass('component:edit-category-settings', {
    availableViews: Ember.computed(function() {
      let views = this._super();
      let voteView = {};
      voteView["name"] = "Votes";
      voteView["value"] = "votes";
      return views;

Seems like it would be a nice option to include in the plugin.


Thanks, that gets most of the way.

For some reason items in the extra-nav-item-outlet apply the active class to the list item rather than the link, so ‘Votes’ isn’t shown as active. Is that intentional?

I’ve created a CSS workaround for now, styling both .nav-pills> a and .nav-pills>li

A post was split to a new topic: Topics that were voted on disappear from user profile after being closed

Hello Stephen,

Could you please assist in explaining where I need to place @awesomerobot 's code for my topics to be ranked by vote on my Boxes with Featured Topics desktop category page style?

Many thanks,


I’d also like help on where to put that code, @awesomerobot?

I’ve also noticed that if I use these below settings, this makes the “Latest” tab show the most votes instead of the latest and therefore you cannot see the latest topics at all. Is this a bug or something I’m doing wrong?

I’d like the category by default to be sorted by votes (desc), with users having the option to sort by latest if they’d like too. Thanks.

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No, that appears to be working as intended, though it’s not the best experience. When the “topic list sort by” is changed to Votes it’s confusing that it’s still called “Latest”.

You can put in in the Head section of your theme, under admin → customize → themes.