Unable to reload Discourse with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error

What would you like done?
Restore my discourse site. It is hosted on digital ocean but the form does not load anymore. I tried to rebuild but it did not work

When do you need it done?
Within a week

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
I am flexible within reason.

1 Like

I can help. Sending a pm


I’ll send a PM separately. Meanwhile, here are some questions that might help diagnose the problem:

  • Is your site completely down?
  • Can you ssh into the Droplet?
  • Can you copy and paste the error message here?
  • Do you have something else listening on the port? For instance, did you start another web server on the Droplet?
  • Have you recently installed a firewall?
  • Have you tried spinning up a new Droplet and restoring your most recent backup?
  1. I can access the droplet
  2. Site is completely down community.showprowess.com
  3. No other listing on the port
  4. No firewall installation recently
  5. Have not tried spinning up a new one. As I have no accessed the site in a while, I am not sure if the whole back is corrupted or is the more of an access issue. That’s why staying away from creating a new droplet.

Uploaded a file with full console log
Command_prompt_log.txt (68.7 KB)

@Himanshu_Singh found the solution. The error that stopped the rebuild was:

/var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/discourse/plugins/guest-gate/discourse/templates/modal.js: Assertion Failed: Named outlets were removed in Ember 4.0. See Ember.js - Deprecations for guidance on alternative APIs for named outlet use cases. (‘discourse/plugins/guest-gate/discourse/templates/modal.hbs’ @ L12:C8)

So the solution was to remove the deprecated Guest Gate plugin.