User incorrectly translated a substitution variable name

This issue looks similar to this issue, the message override is not being used. On Discourse 2.1.2.

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Any thoughts @gerhard?

I know @gerhard fixed a bunch of issues with translation overrides recently. Might already been fixed in 2.2.0.


The problem is that the interpolation key %{month_year} has been translated with %{maand_jaar}, which makes the translation override invalid. There are checks that should prevent this from happening, so my guess is that the user created the override before we added those checks.



The only thing I don’t understand - %{maand_jaar} seems to be working well - the text is being replaced with the month and year.

No, it isn’t. Look at the screenshot of the email you posted. It’s using the English text where it finds the correct interpolation key.


You’re - of course - completely right.

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