User is not getting email notfications

This user has everything in preferences as “watching” or “tracking” , and still isn’t getting the email notifications. They are not going to spam.

Hello and welcome @Giovanni_Lignarolo1 :slight_smile:

Have you checked the email logs on your site to make sure they’re being sent? (/admin/email/sent and /admin/email/skipped)

If they’re being sent but not received you may have to check your email provider to see if something is getting stuck with them.

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Is the user logged in? By default you don’t get emails for things you’ve been notified about online.

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User says she is getting 90% of notifications despite having watching turned on. She is getting emails but not all of them. Depends on the category.

Have you checked /admin/email/skipped?

EDIT: Sorry. That already got suggested. :person_shrugging:

Oh, but you didn’t say that you had checked there.