User profile links redirect to 404 page


We are having issues when viewing user profile links like these:

They all redirect to this page:

Even checking the public profile of the users is 404:

Please advise on how to fix it. Thank you.

That looks like the users have selected the ā€œHide my public profile and presence featuresā€ option from

Thereā€™s a global setting that might be causing this as well:


I have tried to goto your forum even without user link

And get site cannot connect.

It seems like the site has login required enabled?

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Could but stripping it down to domain it should have landed me on the login)sign up.

Itā€™s currently unchecked.

The discourse site utilizes SSO. So users need to log in from the main site for them to access the forum. They need to have an active subscription.

Even when Iā€™m logged in as admin. I canā€™t access this link:

Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s a placeholder with ā€˜adminā€™ in, as that wouldnā€™t be a valid link?

Have you tried accessing the user pages in safe mode?

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Are you sure that admin is your username on discourse side?

Technically admin is a reserved username

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it is admin. though Iā€™m not sure why it was allowed since thatā€™s a reserved word.

Yes, I tried accessing it using safe mode. Itā€™s the same. I made a video.

This one is from a normal user:

It looks like something is terribly wrong with the discourse site. Do you know when this started happening? It is evident that there is a 500 error (server issue). Are you running a reverse proxy in front of discourse?

This seems similar to another error Iā€™ve seen recently. Is there an error in your /logs that corresponds to this?

By any chance, do you use uploaded images for your badges?