Usernames suddenly appeared

For some reason, usernames have started appearing next to the user’s real names. This was not the case previously. Was this a platform update? I don’t think anyone on our team was tinkering with this aspect.

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You can check the staff logs


Unfortunately, I don’t see any staff changes that would impact this.

Could you check display name on posts?

That is and has been selected. I’m sure we can easily hide this in CSS but I’m checking if this is something greater that was changed.

Yes, sorry. I think I got turned round on username v name. Hmm. :thinking: I’ll have a think.

The name and username are very similar, and normally only one would display if both were the same.

Checking on here by adding ‘JammyDodger’ to my name field, it still seems to recognise they’re the same and only show one.

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Try Jammy_Dodger instead?

Did you try safe mode?

Maybe you use something like Remove Name Suppression on Posts

Just to circle back on this, I think it was a custom piece of code that had stopped working. Was that right in the end @putty?

I think so. I ended up having someone on our side hide that element via CSS.

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