You aren’t supposed to see this when you are not a staff member. Reproduced on Discourse Meta. You can easily reproduce this by pressing J then D.
The bulk menu can also be brung up here using the same means.
You aren’t supposed to see this when you are not a staff member. Reproduced on Discourse Meta. You can easily reproduce this by pressing J then D.
The bulk menu can also be brung up here using the same means.
Not sure there is a bug here, users can delete their own topic if it’s within a specific timeframe (see the post edit time limit
site setting) and if the topic has no replies.
Well from my knowledge the delete shortcut can be used on any post. It’s supposed to bring up your own posts.
In the second image, you may see the bulk actions menu, normal users are not meant to see that.
This doesn’t work. For me at least, it’s K then D.
j and k select the next/previous post, so it doesn’t matter which one you use as long as it selects a post.
d is the shortcut to delete
Oh, I see what you mean here, using keyboard navigation, users can get to the “Are you sure you want to delete this post?” modal without having the permission to actually delete that post.
Yes, we should fix that.
Oh, I see.
K makes it select the previous post, and J selects the next one. Then D is just the shortcut to delete. I think the J one wasn’t working because I was already at the last reply, thanks for clarifying.
That will do it, thanks: