Whisper or hide mode for posts from certain email address (category setting)

Hello, I use some categories of Discourse as a tracker system. I want to follow tracker activity in relative topics. External ticket from YouTrack goes to Discourse as email.

Topics are created, that’s great. But a lot of automatic emails produce many low-valuable posts. Tracker settings are not flexible and it’s not able to setup only necessary emails or frequency, limits etc. Moreover, those settings touch both users’ mailboxes and Discourse mailbox.

I would like to have category option to collapse/hide posts from incoming emails from the same address which is configured as incoming email for the category at the same time.

Let is create topics but any next posts will be hidden, like shown in the picture below. I agree to hide all posts of certain user if its portion of posts >80% of all posts in topic or all of the posts.

Due to poor webhook abilities I cannot use API. Probably somebody have same cases and thoughts on this?

I’ve read a relative topic Temporarily hide post / mark less important? and found my case is similar but with automatic manner (without human moderation).