A reddit-ish theme for Discourse

could anyone help me with this one? :smiling_face_with_tear:. I really appreciated it

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Iā€™m assuming that you changed your userā€™s Default Homepage option to Categories. Unless a user has explicitly set their Default Homepage option, their homepage will be the homepage that is set by the top menu site setting.

If you have access to your siteā€™s Rails console, you could reset all of your userā€™s Default Homepage settings so that it will be set based on your top menu setting. To do that, enter the Rails console and run:

UserOption.update_all(homepage_id: nil)

If you are unsure about running this command, I would just not do it. It is likely that most or all of your users will already have their Default Homepage set to Latest.


Iā€™ve just made an update to the theme to address these two issues:

I may have temporarily removed it while building the theme and neglected to add it back ā€” this will now appear again after updating.

This was an issue caused by the ā€œrecent topicsā€ list shown on the homepage ā€” we check for a specific class at the bottom of the page to continue loading more topics, and since the sidebar includes this class further up the page it was preventing the load more behavior. Changing the class for these sidebar items fixes the issue.

Thanks for the bug reports everyone!


Which navigation menu sidebar items and classes? I just want to know if they will affect any of my related theme components.


Previously in the sidebar template I was using {{topic-list-item topic=topic}}, which produces a tr element with the class topic-list-item. Removing that class from the sidebar solved the issue.


Please tell me how to translate into other languages

nice theme. :slight_smile:

just making it known that yes, there is indeed interest. :+1: :+1: