Discourse Topic Voting

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Topic Voting gives the ability to vote on topics in a specified category.[1]
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-topic-voting
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


To enable it, edit any category, look on the settings tab for the “Allow users to vote on topics in this category” checkbox:

Once enabled, a “Votes” item is available in the top menu. The topics in that category can be voted on with the count of votes added next to the topic title.

The vote count is also included next to the title when scrolled.

To make it easier to see vote counts from a topic list, the vote count is also added under the topic titles.

Here are the views a user will see before and after voting in a topic:

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 10.08.17 AM Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 10.10.13 AM

There is also a section in the user’s profile page that displays their active votes:

Active Votes

The term Active Votes refers to the votes a user has cast in topics that are currently available for voting. Limiting Active Votes encourages users to vote thoughtfully for the topics that matter most to them.

  • The number of Active Votes available to each user is configurable by Trust Level. Default values:

    • TL0: 2
    • TL1: 4
    • TL2: 6
    • TL3: 8
    • TL4: 10
  • Each user may cast only one vote per topic.

  • When a topic is closed or archived, the vote count on the topic remains unchanged. These votes are no longer considered Active. The users who cast these votes will have their one vote from that topic restored to their pool of available votes.

  • If a topic is re-opened or unarchived, the votes are reclaimed and applied back to the users’ Active Vote count.

  • If a topic reclaims the votes of a user, causing them to exceed their Active Vote limit, they simply need to wait until topics are closed or archived to allow them to vote again.

  • If an entire topic (Topic A) is merged into another Topic-Voting topic (Topic B), all the the following takes place:

    1. Unique votes from Topic A are added to Topic B.
    2. Duplicated votes (the same user voted in both topics) from Topic A will not be added to Topic B. Instead, the vote from Topic A will be restored to the user’s pool of available votes.
    3. Topic A’s vote count is set to zero and the topic is closed so that no further voting can take place in Topic A.


Name Description
topic voting alert votes left Alert user when this many votes are left
topic voting enabled Allow users to vote on topics?
topic voting show who voted Allow users to see who voted?
topic voting show votes on profile Allow users to see their votes in their activity feed?
topic voting tl0 vote limit How many active votes are TL0 users allowed?
topic voting tl1 vote limit How many active votes are TL1 users allowed?
topic voting tl2 vote limit How many active votes are TL2 users allowed?
topic voting tl3 vote limit How many active votes are TL3 users allowed?
topic voting tl4 vote limit How many active votes are TL4 users allowed?

Category Setting


:information_source: In the categories where the Voting plugin is activated, Likes are automatically deactivated. Some sites may want to use both functions at the same time to like replies, see how to re-enable Likes.

Data Explorer Queries

List people who voted for a topic along with their email addresses:

-- int :topic_id

FROM topic_voting_votes tvv
JOIN user_emails ue ON ue.user_id = tvv.user_id
WHERE topic_id = :topic_id
AND ue.primary = true

More explorer queries can be found in data & reporting - Topics tagged topic-voting

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Business and Enterprise plans Topic Voting | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

  1. and is the result of this spec put together by @erlend_sh ↩︎

Last edited by @nat 2024-07-17T13:04:32Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

As part of the renaming for the Discourse Post Voting plugin we have also now renamed this one to complement it. :partying_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

So I hereby officially welcome you all to the Discourse Topic Voting plugin. :tada::balloon::champagne:


Really like this plugin. Using it for a category reserved for blog articles. When entering a category with this plugin set to enabled, would it be possible to sort the topic list by # of votes descending?

thanks again!

1 Like

2 posts were split to a new topic: Votes not being returned on topic close

I notice in the animation on

the user only finds out that

  • he in fact has a limited number of votes
  • and he now only has xx votes left

after he clicks to vote.

Perhaps he should learn all this in the mouseover for the vote button, before he clicks.


2 posts were split to a new topic: ‘See who voted’ display issue

To make it more official, the database tables of this plugin are now migrated to topic_voting_ to match the ones in post_voting_ as well, along with site settings .

When site owners update this plugin, existing data explorer queries that use the old tables will automatically update to use the new table names.


How can I re-enable Discourse Reactions on the first post of a Voting Topic?

Did you try the tip to re-enable likes?


Ah sorry I did do this but thought it wasn’t working until I realised I was looking at my own posts so I shouldn’t expect to see a like button :laughing:


Is there any way to add the Voting Button directly into the topic list?

1 Like

I think this is what you’re looking for:


Is there a way to automatically have the topic’s creator cast the first vote for their post? We have a bunch of users that create these topics but forget to vote on it, and it’s a small hassle having to remind them every time. Just wondering :slight_smile:

Thanks for the plugin!

I second this. Without users knowing that votes are limited they can’t adjust their behavior, so the original objective of encouraging users to vote thoughtfully is not effectively achieved.