Alternative post templates

Having some alternative views/layouts for posts could be nice, like what WordPress has. Essentially templates based on post type.

The feature could allow posts in certain categories (or other criteria), or category pages themselves, to have unique layouts/templates other than the default.

Plugin authors could then publish alternative layouts.

The only issue is they might not fit with an overall theme. Eh well, win some lose some.

The use cases could be interesting: for example a category page for geolocated posts could be a map instead of a list of posts.

WordPress started as being for ā€œblogsā€ but the flexibility really makes it usable for just about anything. So likewise with a few more similar features as custom post templates, Discourse could be molded more easily for unique purposes.


You can achieve quite a lot with CSS.

Perhaps the future Glimmer update will allow for more ā€¦


Have you seen the landing page of Theme? That kind of design change can be achieved with theme components like these:

And for topics, there are things like:

But I totally agree it would be great to make these kinds of options more powerful and more discoverable :100:


Oh I got thrown by ā€œpostā€: where you referring to the Topic List @trusktr ? Or the layout of a Topic and its Posts?

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Yeah I think the question was mostly about posts/topics themselves. But I jumped on the

which is something we have more powerful options for at the moment :wink:

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Let me jump on this one then:

This already exists :tada:

Check out the Locations Plugin :earth_africa:

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