Client side image optimization enabled by default

We just enabled the the browser image optimization feature by default on Discourse.

You can learn more about how it work in our blog:

If necessary, a site administrator may disable it using the site setting composer media optimization image enabled.

This new feature is also not compatible with disabling strip image metadata. So you will want to disable this new feature if you want to preserve images EXIF.

Update Jan 2023 - we had to disable this on iOS due to iOS bugs.


4 posts were split to a new topic: PNG with transparency getting converted to JPG after uploads

Note, this is now disabled by default on iOS.

We were seeing regular crashes in iOS when large files are involved. Hopefully iOS is a bit better in 6 months or so, Apple need to catch up here.


We currently experience the problem that iOS users are unable to upload videos they recorded themselves with their mobile device because the file size is too high. Unfortunately, the users lack the technical affinity to know how to optimize the files themselves.

Do you already have an ETA as to when the client-side optimization on iOS is re-enabled by chance, or can we re-enable it ourselves?

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Our client-side image optimization feature never worked with videos, only still images. So, even if we were to re-enable it, I’m afraid that won’t help your users.

If your users want to share large videos, I’d recommend using Video Upload to YouTube and Vimeo using Theme Component instead.