Discourse BCC

:discourse2: Summary Discourse BCC allows staff users to send individual personal messages to several users at once.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-bcc
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


When enabled, you’ll see a checkbox after having added two or more recipients to a PM:

If you check that box, instead of one PM that everyone shares access to, Discourse will create 1 PM per user provided.

If you add a group, each member of the group will be sent an individual PM.

You can also use the placeholders %{username}, %{@username}, and %{name} to add message personalization for each recipient.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Add %{first name} variable to BCC plugin

Is there any chance to enable custom groups to use this plugin, similar to Changes coming to settings for giving access to features (from trust levels to groups)?

I have a use case where a course lecturer sends the same questionnaire via PM to the course participants occasionally, but wishes to receive separate responses from each one.

Being able to assign a custom group (e.g. organizers) in addition to staff to use the BCC plugin would solve the problem for them in a big way (they’re currently sending dozens of identical PMs).

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@md-misko - I wonder if your need might be met by the Discourse Private Replies plugin. Basically, you’d create a course category with access for the participant group, rather than using PMs. The plugin can then keep replies to a lecturer topic hidden from other participants.

(A caveat is that any subsequent reply from the lecturer back to a participant is visible to all. Depending on your situation that may or may not matter.)

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