Discourse Checklist

:mega: This plugin is now bundled with Discourse core and is enabled by default. There is no need to install the plugin separately.

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Checklist allows checkboxes to be added to posts with simple Markdown
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-checklist
:open_book: Install Guide This is now bundled with Discourse core, so no need to install it separately.

Enabling Checklist

The Checklist plugin is enabled by default but can be disabled/enabled from its settings, accessed from your admin/plugins page:


Once enabled, you can add checklists to your posts by typing them in like this:

  • [] or [ ] for an unchecked box
  • [x] for checked box (no fill)
  • [X] for a checked box (with fill) - Permanent option, which can no longer be toggled

checklists example

You can also keep checking/unchecking boxes on the same post without having to refresh the page.


Name Description
checklist enabled Enable checklist plugin?

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on all of our hosting tiers Checklist | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

Development History

Special thanks to:

  • @lightyear for creating the initial version
  • @cpradio for porting it to our new patterns and maintaining it for years!

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-18T15:23:32Z

Check documentPerform check on document: