Adds a traditional(ish), responsive tag “cloud” to the Tag page and optionally to the top of the Discovery List for ease of navigation. The tags are automatically arranged in a cloud, whilst their relative size represents the frequency of their use.
If you don’t make the cloud large enough, or the tags scale small enough, it will arbitrarily miss out some tags. Experiment.
Due to the potentially small touch targets it’s not enabled on mobile. Consider your settings carefully when using on Tablet. I may provide a way to disable on tablets in future.
No automated dark mode support. The default colour scheme is chosen to be neutral and work on both light and dark themes. It is possible to make it all white or all black-ish by messing with the colour settings. Potentially you could install two and set them up differently for dark mode. I’ll have to think about adding some automation here.
If you have animation enabled and flick quickly between the words they will shrink. That’s unavoidable, I believe as you don’t give enough time for the mouse out animation. Hence I provide a way to disable the animation in settings.
I got an error message saying Refused to load the script 'https://{{some url}}.js' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src" and Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.
No, it’s literally a cloud of Discourse Tags. However, I also made: Word Cloud plugin (which is linked in the OP btw), which sounds more like what you are describing?
The Word Cloud plugin is probably closest but that doesn’t have a time dimension (yet), it takes aggregate statistics from the entire forum (or select Categories).
I check the source code and find the computed tags property only returned tags group in tags.json, the others are in extras.tag_groups. However, I couldn’t figure out how to fix the issue.
Well done for having a go, but if you want me to fix anything it would be most useful to have functional steps to reproduce, please, from the front end, as if just a user, because right now I can’t see the problem.