How to add this header, colored categories, and sidebar categories?

I would like to add something similar to this to my community:

The big green header with a description, then the boxes underneath it, which I assume will become the options in the sidebar?

I found this when it comes to the boxes:

but these options are not available:

Is this a limitation of the plan I’m using (right now I’m still with the trial)?

EDIT: Never mind. I was able to find it in the Settings page, but underneath Default List Filter.

I still can’t find the option for the header…


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Thank you!
Since I will be on a lower plan, I won’t be able to install the component, but I saved this link for when I upgrade.

How about the sidebar with the sub categories? When I click a main/parent category, I can see the boxes, but the sidebar doesn’t show those sub categories, the same way that Documentation does.

That’s this plugin below


Thank you so much for the link!

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I saw you edited your topic’s title to add [SOLVED].

There should be a checkbox :white_check_mark: under each reply that you can tick to mark the topic as solved, using the proper feature.

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