Is there a Trust Level Permissions Table?

Hi all!

I’m just wondering if anyone knows of a permissions table based on the stock setting trust levels they could direct me to? I’m in the process of making one now, but it would be a huge help if something already exists.

Something like:
Level 0 - Level 1 - Level 2.
Send PM’s X X

Thanks in advance!



Did you see our blog post about trust levels? It’s not a table, but it does list all the permissions available:


Thank you, David I’ll use that!





I’m not sure if anyone would find value in this but just in case - I think its accurate based on the other threads


This is amazing, is there an editable format for those using custom settings? I mean if there isn’t that’s fine cause those are sweet looking enough to shut me up!


One piece of minor feedback. “staff” is not a user state. Staff is any user who is a mod and/or admin. Being “staff” doesn’t grant any permissions, it’s solely a way to refer to mods and admins together.

Otherwise, really nice!


Thank you, I just used PowerPoint but I’ll try and make an editable version!


A spreadsheet would be handy.


OCRed and markdownified :upside_down_face:

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I agree, nice work @Chris27 (and @lionel-rowe) :+1:

Taking this one step further and especially thinking of those using custom settings, is there an easy way to automatically create something like this overview from the settings? Maybe using some form of SQL queries, or even using the Discourse Data Explorer Plugin by @riking
All the necessary information should be in there, right? This would reduce the likelihood to make errors, but also make it easy to update the table I think.

Taking this two steps further, could this also be done for plugins that have trust level settings?

Taking this three steps further, this would be an amazing interface to manage these settings as well, as it’s very hard to get acquainted with rights management as a newbie like me (I get easily lost with the admin interface sometimes :grimacing:). However, I imagine this being much more complicated than step one and two.

PS: I have no clue about SQL queries at this point in time, I’m just interested if it’s possible at all? :thinking: