That menu should be only visible for TL4 users and staff.
But as the second line says, when a topic is pinned, every user can unpin it for themselves using the dropdown at the bottom of the topic or by clicking the pin icon next to the title. They can also configure to unpin topics automatically after reading them, which is enabled by default if you didn’t change the default for your community (default topics automatic unpin)
what if we disable default topics automatic unpin option . can it hide pinned button for leve1-3 users. I am understand this Users cannot pin new topics, but they can unpin a topic that was pinned by an admin. Discourse allows this because it lets users customize their experience by choosing not to see a pinned topic at the top of their view. This personal unpinning doesn’t affect how the topic appears for other users. am I right?
Users do not reach trust level 4 automatically. As long as you do not promote them to trust level 4, they can only unpin and re-pin a topic for their personal view.
Users who you choose to promote to trust level 4 should be trustworthy enough that if you ask them not to do something, like pinning topics, they won’t do that. Otherwise you will have problems with other permissions they have too.