Private forum stuck on loading screen

It’s been a while that our Discourse has been stuck on the loading screen and I finally found a search term that comes up with some help. However following advice in My forum is stuck on the loading screen I’ve tried to log in with but the admin emails aren’t being sent to log in! I presume that some deeper problem is there.

I had tried rebuilding the app several times to no avail. I was thinking it might get solved with an update but no.

Following the above advice I removed two plugins that are old and unofficial:
GitHub - procourse/procourse-installer: A Discourse plugin for installing other Discourse plugins.
GitHub - procourse/procourse-static-pages: Allows admins to create static pages in Discourse.
However the rebuild failed completely and so I put the Procourse Installer back (thinking that removing it might have somehow caused a problem since plugins were installed with it) and it’s now back to the the loading screen.

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do as I can’t log into safe mode.

I can see that there is an error in the console: ReferenceError: Ember is not defined, but I don’t know how to solve this.

Any ideas?

Remove the procourse installer plugin.

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You can append ?safe_mode=no_themes%2Cno_plugins to your url to activate safe mode as an alternative:

Though looking in the browser console, it does look like the error is coming from a progress bar component of the procourse installer plugin as Pfaffman suggests.

What errors did you get on the rebuild when you tried removing it?


Oops. Sorry, I somehow missed that.

My wild guess is that the Procourse installer left something behind that’s causing a problem, though without the logs it’s just a guess.

You could also have old themes that are causing issues (which are now fixed by the safe-mode URL from Jammy).

Thanks very much for this. Sorry for the delay in replying.

When I tried the modified Safe Mode link I was able to login but then was still presented with a loading screen.

I am attaching the ‘log’ from the failed rebuild
discourseinstalllog1.txt (49.7 KB)

Any ideas how to remove the Procourse installer in another way?

I think I see a Zlib::BufError: buffer error (Zlib::BufError) in there.

Could you try adding your DISCOURSE_MAXMIND_ACCOUNT_ID to your app.yml and see if you can rebuild successfully?

Before I saw your reply I actually had another go at rebuilding after removing the Procourse Installer (after doing a git pull) and it rebuilt fine.

I now have another error, but not fatal, with Discourse Dark Mode Theme that I was using - basically it’s not been updated to Ember 5 it seems from looking at Your site may not work because a theme / component has errors which refers to Preparing for Discourse's upgrade to Ember 5.

But since it appears that Discourse now has automatic dark mode available Automatic Dark Mode color scheme switching I can delete the Discourse Dark Mode theme!

Thanks for your help but it appears an update has sorted the problem I had.