Available settings within the category edit page

:bookmark: This is a reference guide on the settings for parent and child categories.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator (or moderator if the moderators manage categories and groups setting is enabled)

The Settings tab within the category edit page is a dedicated space for making changes to the display and functions of a parent or child category. Some of the settings do require plugins or site settings to be enabled in order to display. You can access this page by adding โ†’ /c/category-name/edit/settings to the end of your domain.


  • Position on the categories page: (Only displays if the fixed category positions site setting is enabled)
  • Number of topics shown on the categories page
  • Search Priority: [Ignore, Very Low, Low, Normal (default), High, Very High]
    • Allow badges to be awarded in this category
    • Allow featured links in this category
    • Navigate to first post after topics are read
    • Make new topics wikis by default
    • Allow unlimited owner edits on first post


  • Require moderator approval of all new topics
  • Require moderator approval of all new replies
  • Enable "Slow Mode" for new topics in this category: # [mins (default), hours, days, months, years]
  • Auto-close topic after: # [mins (default), hours, days, months, years]
    • Donโ€™t close until the last post in the topic is at least this old.
  • Number of open topics to automatically bump daily:
    • Minimum days before bumping the same topic again:

:warning: The action post generated from an auto-bump counts as a reply. This can reset the timeframe of the auto-close setting if it is also enabled with Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old.


  • Default Topic List: [Latest, Top]
  • Default Top Period: [All Time (default), Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily]
  • Topic List Sort By: [default, Activity, Category, Created, Likes, Original Post Likes, etc.]
  • Default List Filter: [all topics (default), no subcategories]
    • Show subcategory list above topics in this category
  • Subcategory List Style: [Rows (default), Rows with featured topics, Boxes, Boxes with featured topics]
  • Banner text when a user cannot create a topic in this category:


:information_source: The following settings will only display if the email in site setting is enabled

  • Custom incoming email address:
  • Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts
  • Category mirrors a mailing list
  • Accept incoming emails sent to: sitename@discoursemail.com

Plugin Specific Settings

:information_source: The following settings will only display when the corresponding plugins are enabled:


  • Add โ€˜unassignedโ€™ filter to category

Event Sorting (Calendar plugin)

  • Disable topic resorting

Category Experts

  • Category experts group
  • Badge

Post Voting

  • New topics default to Post Voting topics in this category.


  • Allow topic owner and staff to mark a reply as the solution

Topic Voting

  • Allow users to vote on topics in this category

Additional resources

Last edited by @pedrom 2024-07-25T04:46:56Z

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