Top Contributors Sidebar

:discourse2: Summary Top Contributors Sidebar adds a “Top Contributors” (leaderboard) sidebar to topic list pages.
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The leaderboard information is fetched for a period of a year and sorted by likes received by default. You can change this along with other options from the theme settings page.

:information_source: The user directory must be enabled for the Top Contributors list to be populated. If your list is blank, search enable user directory in your admin settings to make sure it’s enabled.

:information_source: The sidebar will only be visible when the browser is 767px or wider (most tablets and monitors).


Name Description
enable top contributors
use full name Replace username with full name (if provided)
excluded group names Members of groups to exclude from top contributors list
order by Type of points to use in ordering the contributor list. Either likes received(default) or likes given.
Translation Default
top_contributors.title Top Contributors
top_contributors.view_all View All

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-24T19:06:20Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

For this component we have only two options for “Order By” i.e, likes_given and likes_received
can we have other options added like No. of Posts answered / resolved ?

is that possible, please confirm ?


up vote! this would help incentives people to post.

I installed this on my website and it didn’t adjust to the screen automatically, it creates a horizontal scrollbar as if it didn’t fit on the screen, does anyone know why?

@meghna - thank you for a great theme component!

Hi - some thoughts on how it could be tweaked to improve it

  1. It currently shows on category and tag home pages - it would be great if the leaderboard would re-calibrate to show the top contributors in that particular category or tag?

  2. if you were able to configure it to show top contributors in the last week, or top contributors in the last month, this would give a much better view of who the top contributors actually are at “the moment” rather than just cumulatively since the discourse instance was installed (this time period setting could also apply to the category/tag top contributors above too).


I completely agree with Robin! I would be thrilled if this were an option, as it gets asked about on my site. I’ve commented about this in another thread


Good afternoon, I installed this component on the site today and does not show the top contributors, can anyone help?

Hello Gabriel :wave:

Have you attached it to a theme?


Hello, yes

That screenshot is not the same theme component. :slight_smile:

I’m from Brazil, I think the translation didn’t have the same name

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