Use Tiles (masonry) view? There’s a wide format option.
When you fix a thumbnail aspect ratio, of course you get distortion or clipping.
Use Tiles (masonry) view? There’s a wide format option.
When you fix a thumbnail aspect ratio, of course you get distortion or clipping.
A quick note after updated to the latest Discourse 3.5.0.beta1-dev (0cb27f433a) and now getting this notice. Topic previews are working but updating is not getting rid of this message.
**[Admin Notice]** One of your themes or plugins needs updating for compatibility with upcoming Discourse core changes. (id:[*discourse.hbr-topic-list-overrides*]( Identified theme: ['Topic List Previews'](
An almost complete rewrite is incoming very soon.
not loading new version when will it be updated
Have you enabled glimmer topic lists too soon?
This week!
Use your browser’s CSS inspector and add a border radius. Once happy, add your additional CSS to another Theme Component.
I have very little knowledge on these issues, can you please share the code that works?
You are very welcome to hire me. Contact me in private if you would like to do so, or consider Marketplace
I did some research and I finally did it
img.thumbnail {
border-radius: 5px;
Whoohoo, go you
Today I’m releasing an update to bring compatibility with the fantastic new Glimmer Topic List system
This was essentially a rewrite and took days.
You must be on latest and enable Glimmer Topic Lists.
If you think Topic List Previews is awesome & I did a great job, you can buy me a coffee
NB: Unfortunately, due to the extensive rewrite, if you’ve been using some CSS tweaks, you may have to redo some of them.
thanks to @david for extending the awesome new Topic List API to accommodate my requirements.
Thanks, is it a new component I have to install because I do not see the usual “update available” on my actual component ?
Should I update my Discourse before?
It’s moved to my GitHub account, URL in the OP. That shouldn’t matter (the URL should redirect) but maybe it’s an edge case?
In which case, apologies, just install it fresh.
So long as you know that the TCs and plugins you rely upon are updated and also compatible, yes you should update to latest.
I would:
glimmer topic list mode
to enabled
)Make sure you perform a ./launcher cleanup app
once if you’ve not yet performed the postgres update.
It looks like it stopped working on mobile since the last update. For thumbnail category at least
Working fine for me on iOS and Android?
What setting specifically?
Perhaps you could elaborate?
Oh I do see an issue on Categories on mobile without Tiles. It’s rendering the author when it should not. I’ll release a fix.
I can repro with the Topic list thumbnails categories
It was working yesterday, but not today, after the update. There’s no problem for desktop, only mobile
I cannot reproduce (yet) the issue you state, but there was a problem on mobile where the user avatar was being rendered as well as the default Thumbnail on mobile. That is now fixed.
I’m still seeing thumbnails on non-tiles on Categories on mobile when the Category is included in the list topic_list_thumbnails_categories
and topic_list_set_category_defaults
is off.
I just made some tests
It’s because this TC is no more compatible with the Show both OP and last reply on mobile
It’s works fine without this