What to do with deprecation notices?

Why are these notices sent to me? How to proceed?

Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.create_tag_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) 
At /var/www/discourse/lib/guardian/tag_guardian.rb:12:in `can_create_tag?`
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.min_trust_to_edit_post` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.edit_post_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) 
At /var/www/discourse/lib/guardian/post_guardian.rb:375:in `trusted_with_edits?`
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_allow_ignore` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.ignore_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) 
At /var/www/discourse/lib/guardian.rb:560:in `can_ignore_users?`

I believe these are caused by:

It doesn’t hurt to ignore them:

I’m not sure how to turn off the notice. Maybe revert to the default value after checking to make sure the new group-based setting is correct?


Yeah, those deprecation notices you see in the browser console are mainly for developers so you can safely ignore them. :+1:


Can I totally ignore it then? I was worried that something would happen

There are these others that I have no idea what they are, I searched here on the forum but I couldn’t find a solution.

Sidekiq is consuming too much memory (using: 506.27M) for 'dex-forum.com', restarting

Detected rogue Sidekiq pid 3831279 mem 525602816, killing

Authentication failure! request_error: OAuth::Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden

Deprecation notice: Array types for custom fields are deprecated, use type :json instead (removal in Discourse 3.3.0)
At /var/www/discourse/lib/plugin/instance.rb:573:in block in register_topic_custom_field_type

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See this


Yes, you can. :+1:

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