When editing post, unable to open gear menu


UI bugs

One we upgrade the version to 3.3.0.beta3-dev yesterday.

We noticed the content edit not able to open more options.

There is a JS error.

Please see images

Also, I attached mp4 file for steps.

Did you try safe mode?

Tried Safe mode

It can open but missing some options.

That’s expected when you disable all plugins and themes. But now you know the problem is caused by one of your plugins or themes.
You can try to disable just one of the options to find out whether the issue comes from a theme or plugin


Thanks @Moin

I don’t think we enabled plugins from outside of Discourse the theme we are using were pretty stander.

I am trying to disable some plugin and re-build app.

Tried disable all, but I don’t think it fixed.

You’re likely using the MD Composer Extra component. (?)

Once this PR is merged, the issue should be fixed!

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@Moin Thank you very much.

I found the reason, cause by plugin discourse-placeholder-theme-component

I disable this plugin and all fixed.

Thank you very much.

I will get our system updated again once PR approved and merged.

Thanks, team.

I thought you were using MD Composer Extras, because your error is exactly the same as MD Composer extras - #64 by Arkshine. :thinking:

Also, I don’t see any code that requires a change in the PlaceHolder component. However, I can see it was updated 5 months ago to fix a similar issue with the menu.

Did you check if the component has an update?

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I did all updates, before I post a bug here.

I think I found reason for this, was the plugin discourse-placeholder-theme-component cause JS error.

The fixing of this link MD Composer extras - #64 by Arkshine fixed my issue.

The reason for our instance has this issue was because our server hade issue to connect GitHub and cause this plugin didn’t update onetime.

We forked GitHub - discourse/discourse-placeholder-theme-component: discourse-placeholder-theme-component to different Git Service and re-pull all code to our instance then issue fixed.

Thanks @Moin @Arkshine and Discourse team for great help.

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