Full quote button in editor missing

There should be a full quote button next to B/Bold to the left.

This happened after updating to latest version today, on our site. Screenshoot from meta.discourse.org


We’re having the same issue.

I see that even here in Meta the icon/button is missing, so it’s not a theme thing.

How can we get this button back?


Yep same here totally gone


Same here it’s gone both on my site and on this site actually.


Thanks for reaching out — we made a decision to remove the full quote button for a few reasons:

  • The space on the composer toolbar is quite limited, so we needed to find a way to reduce the number of actions. We’ll be continuing this work in future iterations, so you may notice more movement or changes as we make progress there.

  • By default, the remove full quote setting is enabled, which automatically removes full quotes in many situations. We feel this default is sensible to avoid cluttering topics with duplicated content, but having a toolbar option that conflicts with that default seems confusing.

  • For sites that have disabled remove full quote or in situations where it doesn’t apply, members can still select the post’s text to create a full quote. While this may not be as convenient as the full quote button, it is still a reasonable workaround.

I share these to help explain our reasoning, but I would be happy to learn more about how you used this feature. That information can help us determine the best way forward here. In the meantime, I’m moving this to UX since I can confirm this is not a bug.

Thanks in advance for sharing with us!


The feature has been used all the time since we launched the forum and people tend to quote all and remove the text afterwards I guess.

People are going crazy over this missing feature on our forum and I can see why, it’s a way they are used to operate their posts. Without quoting it gets very difficult to read many persons idea in a subject, for a more Q&A style of topics like here on meta it makes sense removing it.

Does the feature still exist and we can enable it with css or so? Or are we required to go all crazy and fork the entire discourse project? :confused:

Edit: Also, why did you not add this to the release notes? This is quite a major change for a community. I’ve been googling since the report came in and tried to figure out why it was gone, and checked the settings etc. In our forum we could completely remove the emojjis (never used by anyone), but that one is well covered in the release notes :rofl:


I have to agree with stefan here, our users was questioning it on a wide front. I think it’s a mistake to remove it, perhaps at least have it in the drop down.


An option can be to make it in a class with default hidden visibility, then we can override in usercss. If not a setting in the admin pages. I think it should be reverted until an option can be given to the users. It’s not a handful amount of users that complain about this. Really thought it was a bug!


How do users who have deactivated “Enable quote reply for highlighted text” in their preferences quote without the icon in the composer?

Also, on touch devices, selecting parts of a post can sometimes be quite difficult, for example, when there is an image in between. In that case, using the button and removing the part I didn’t want to quote was easier.


I second Stefan’s and others’ want for the quote-all button to at least be possible to enable by specific site-admin configuration. It is rather inconvenient, borderline troublesome, to mark text for quoting while on a normal phone with touch-screen.
Typical use-case with quote-all button is to quote-all and then edit/remove as needed. A much simpler WoW (unless the original text was looong).

Please consider adding it back as config possibility.


Hey all,
This is very interesting to me, and I’m trying to understand the use case but I kind of really don’t at the moment.

For phones:
How is it easier to quote full text and then select parts to delete? Either way, you still need to select text, either beforehand, or afterwards?

For desktop:
In what scenario does it make sense to quote an entire post that is already on the page? I truly don’t understand it, especially this bit:

What does that mean?

This however is a very good point; I hadn’t realised this was a user preference.

But in my example, I want to quote the image. That is very difficult to select. However, when I use the full quote button, to keep the image, I select everything except for the image. Additionally, the image is no longer an image; instead, it’s some markdown code, which is easier to select.

I also remember that the full quote button was mentioned in a discussion about using Discourse with a screen reader - #68 by sam


I think users (and myself included) were just used to doing it the old way. I’d rather quote everything in the post and remove whatever I don’t want to quote. Both on desktop and mobile.

It’s a nifty feature to select and quote just a piece of the text but I don’t think this is the default usage at all. Just from old habit from other systems perhaps.

(Personally I don’t like popups on select but maybe that’s on me)


Selecting text is a bit messy on phone/touchscreen. First you need to get the selection to bite, then move the begin/end. And it is not all that uncommon for the selection to be void in the midst of things and then you have to start from square one again.
Putting the insertion point at a specific spot and then just removing by holding down Del/backspace is simpler.

That said, quote-all of a long text and then removing several parts is a bit painful, as is removing one really long part. So, quote-all is not the preferred choice in those cases but for the vast majority of the cases I want/need, it is.

Anyway, the missing quote-all button is certainly not the end of the world but rather just an inconvenience. :slight_smile:


Hmmm… That explains a lot…it does though create some inconsistencies. I often use that to make a complete copy of a post on meta to port to my instance as it makes modifying a guide created here to reflect my community as how-to for posting etc .

A suggestion maybe add the component to Meta that allows copying full post to clipboard? I believe there is a Theme component for this.

I can appreciate the reasoning. But maybe even re add it to a drop down in the composer that can be enabled/disabled. As some have mentioned their communities use it.

Even if the team were to make it an optional TC for installing Blockquote.

Workflows. When people get used to using a UX. It is very disorienting to learn new procedures to accomplish something you already have learned and used repeatedly.

Look at MS Word for example. When they first started to mess with the interface to “make workflows easier” it is met with a lot of upset…that they put fallback modes in.

I often use it to copy an entire post for example on meta here to make a copy on my forum for use of how-to docs. Ie the Creating Polls guide. Then either go back and copy paste the pictures (lazy method) or create new SS.

Removing that ability does makes it much more tedious then a block quite. Now on meta of course I don’t commit the reply to publish. As the intent is to just make a full copy.

There is I believe a copy post Theme component but that won’t work necessarily well for forums that are accustomed to using Blockquote.

I would recommend with any drastic changes similar to this one to have a Theme component that can be used to patch the function back in. Similar to what the team did with Category styles when they decided to have one core style. They made a TC still have the optional other styles available.

Something like the above enabled here might be good with a modified version to restore the og Blockquote for communities that prefer it.


Same here as others described. Our users are going a bit crazy with it.

Specially on mobile, selecting the text of a post is just not very nice. Before they could just click reply and then one more click on the icon and the whole post got quoted. To have the quoted post you’re replying to is a must when there are multiple parallel conversations and mini-subjects inside a certain topic.

Is it possible to add the icon once again as a Component? Does anyone know how to accomplish this?


Any update on this one?


I think we’re on our own on this one… the dev team was quite clear about this issue. However it could have been turned into an optional thing in the settings.

In the mobile, the lack of this button is a nightmare: just a while ago, a big part of a post I wanted to quote in our forum that had an image on it took me almost a minute with several attempts since it’s not the easiest thing to select the text while scrolling down and with images in the middle (and this gets worse if you have an ad plugin too)… something that took me 1 second to do with the button. :expressionless:

There’s this theme component:

Maybe someone with programming skills can adapt it.


Hello :wave:

I’ve made a modified version of :page_facing_up: Copy Post Component which add the ability to copy the post quote.

Demo: Theme Creator

Theme Component