Deleting a category

:bookmark: This guide explains how to delete a category in Discourse, including the necessary steps to move or delete topics within the category and handle special cases like the “Uncategorized” category.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Deleting a category in Discourse involves two main steps:

  1. Moving or deleting all topics within the category
  2. Deleting the empty category

This guide will walk you through both steps and address special cases.

Moving or deleting all topics

Before you can delete a category, you must first remove all topics within it. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the category you want to delete.
  2. Click the Topic list icon near the top of the category’s topic list.
  3. Select all the topics you want to delete or move.
  4. Click the gear icon button near the top left.
  5. Choose the option to delete or move all selected topics at once.

Deleting the empty category

Once you’ve removed all topics from the category, follow these steps to delete it:

  1. Find the category edit :icon{id=“wrench”} wrench icon button near the top right of the topic list and click it.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Delete Category button.

:warning: If the Delete Category button is grayed out, there might be remaining topics or other factors preventing deletion. The system should provide instructions or a link to the oldest topic that needs to be addressed.

Handling the “Uncategorized” category

The “Uncategorized” category is a special case that cannot be deleted through the normal process. This category serves as a holding area for topics without a specific category, and it may be renamed on some Discourse instances.

If you encounter the message:

This category is special. It is intended as a holding area for topics that have no category; it cannot be deleted.

Follow these steps to effectively remove it:

  1. Move or delete all topics under the category.
  2. In your admin panel, turn off the allow uncategorized topics site setting.

After completing these steps, the “Uncategorized” category will no longer appear in your category list, and users will be required to specify a category when posting new topics.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-08-02T05:27:28Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-08-02T05:43:18Z

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11 posts were split to a new topic: Not being able to delete topic blocks category deletion