Embedding a list of Discourse Topics in another site

If you grab the latest builds of Discourse you’ll get a the ability to embed topic lists in other sites via some simple Javascript and HTML.

The typical use case for this is a blog or other content driven site, where you want a widget on the side of the screen that lists topics. You can filter by category, tag, or any of the other public filter options available.

How to Embed a list of Topics

First, you must enable the embed topics list site setting.

Then, in your HTML add a <script> tag that includes the javascript necessary to embed the Discourse topics. You can add this wherever you normally add scripts. For example:

<script src="http://URL/javascripts/embed-topics.js"></script>

Replace URL with the forum address, including the subfolder if it exists.

After that, in the <body> of your HTML document, add a d-topics-list tag to indicate the list of topics you’d like to embed. You’ll need to replace URL with your base URL here too:

<d-topics-list discourse-url="URL" category="1234" per-page="5"></d-topics-list>

Any attributes you provide (besides discourse-url which is required) will be converted into the query parameters for the topic search. So if you wanted to search topics by tag you could do this:

<d-topics-list discourse-url="URL" tags="cool"></d-topics-list>

If a query parameter has underscores, convert it to dashes. In the above example, you probably noticed thatper_page became per-page.

In SameSite contexts (i.e. the embedding site and your forum share a parent domain), Discourse will know if you’re logged into the forum, and will display the results accordingly. Don’t be surprised if you see secure categories and such when logged in - anonymous users will not be able to!

List of parameters

template: Either complete or basic (default). While basic is just a list of topic titles, the complete complete brings title, user name, user avatar, created at date, and topic thumbnail.

per-page: Number. Controls how many topics to return.

category: Number. Restrict topics to a single category. Pass the id of the target category

allow-create: Boolean. If enabled the embed will have a “New Topic” button.

tags: String. Restrict topics to ones associated with this tag.

top_period: One of all, yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily. If enabled will return the “Top” topics of the period.


I’ve created an example site here:


You should be able to view source in your browser to see the code, but also the entire source is on github:

This is a brand new feature so any feedback / requests would be appreciated.

Styling the list

You can use our existing theme feature to add custom styles for the embed list.

For example, by default our embed list using the complete template looks like this:

If you want it to look like, for example, a grid, you can add custom SCSS to Theme > Common > Embedded CSS:

.topics-list {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
  .topic-list-item { 
    .main-link {
      border: 1px dotted gray;
      padding: 0;
    .topic-column-wrapper {
      flex-direction: column-reverse;
      .topic-column.details-column {
        width: 100%;
      .topic-column.featured-image-column .topic-featured-image img {
        max-width: initial;
        max-height: initial;
        width: 100%;

Which will make it look like this:



Hey folks! We’re looking to have the links open in a new tab (so target="_blank" instead of target="_parent"). Is there an easy way to do this given the iframe?


I don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for, but something like this should work to open links in new tabs. CORS has to be enabled for the external domain. I tried it this way because I wanted to filter out a pinned topic.

// `fetch` might require a polyfill
const targetEl = document.getElementById("forumTopics");

function renderTemplate(topicsArr) {
    const items = topicsArr.map(
        (topic) => `<li><a href="${topic[1]}" target="_blank">${topic[0]}</li>`

    targetEl.innerHTML = `<ul>${items.join("\n")}</ul>`;

// tack `.json` on to any topic list
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((json) => {
        const topics = json.topic_list.topics
            .slice(1, 6)
            .map((t) => [


Thanks! I like this idea, but based on this post What are the risks of enabling Cross-origin resource sharing (DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS) I’m thinking that enabling CORS isn’t the best idea.


You are only supposed to enable CORS for sites you trust. Enabling CORS for every source is defeating the purpose of it.


I only enabled CORS for other sites I control. The goal was to load a list of forum topics in our other sites with frontend code. That method probably wouldn’t work for letting random sites embed the posts.

Edit: if you copy/paste that code watch out for .slice(1, 6) because it removes one of the topics. (I think that was the pinned topic that I wanted to remove.)


Cool, this is something we can try then - I don’t have a site other than localhost for now (during testing) which is why I was hesitant to add it. But if I can find someone that has a place, we can give it a go. Thanks for your help!


Hey @j127

we are currently facing the same issue and want to open links in new tab.
Just quick question.

Where exactly do you put the code that you provided

@eviltrout Any idea why in my case the CSS styles are not appearing?


That code is just a quick example of the general idea. I don’t think fetch works in all browsers. I can rewrite it in ES5 if you want.

Is your site WordPress or some kind of headless WordPress?


It appears to work in all modern browsers, and Discourse doesn’t support IE11 any more…


My site is just regular wordpress, not headless.

1 Like

Can I use this to embed a list of Discourse Topics in another Discourse instance? Or is there a smarter way to do that?

My use case is having a ‘bridge’ between two instances as a temporary measure until they can be merged in future. It would be nice to have this automated and dynamic.


If you don’t care about IE, then that snippet should work. (CORS has to be enabled for the external domain in the Discourse settings.)

To test it, open any page on this forum and paste the snippet below in the browser console. I changed the target element to document.body, so it will replace the entire page with the list for forum topics. For a real site, just change the target element to document.getElementById("#someId") and then put a div with that ID on the page somewhere. The script will fill it with the list of topics.

// `fetch` might require a polyfill unless you don't care about IE
// const targetEl = document.getElementById("forumTopics");

// this replaces the body of the page, just as an example
const targetEl = document.body;

// put your forum's URL here to test it on your own forum
const baseForumURL = `https://meta.discourse.org`;

// how many topics you want to show
const numTopics = 6;

function renderTemplate(topicsArr) {
    const items = topicsArr.map(
        (topic) => `<li><a href="${topic[1]}" target="_blank">${topic[0]}</li>`

    targetEl.innerHTML = `<ul>${items.join("\n")}</ul>`;

// tack `.json` on to any topic list
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((json) => {
        const topics = json.topic_list.topics
            .slice(0, numTopics)
            .map((t) => [


Example: if the target div somewhere on your WP site looks like this

<div id="forumTopics">
    <!-- the forum posts will appear here -->

then the JavaScript could target that ID like this:

// look for this line in the original example I posted
const targetEl = document.getElementById("forumTopics");

By that you mean the code in the first post or the snippet in post 50? And no, I don’t care about IE. No need to cater to that dinosaur :).
In my case the CSS is not loaded for my snippet in any browser.

So this is JS and I have to put <script> tag around it when implementing it to wordpress, correct?


It has been a while since I used WordPress. Is it something that you’re adding to a theme’s HTML? If yes, then wrap my code in a script tag and put the <div> wherever you want the posts to appear.

I think you could drop the code below right into the HTML of a WordPress template wherever you want the posts to appear. Be sure to update the line that has the URL of the forum. If it doesn’t work, let me know. (It’s untested.)

Click here for the code
<div id="forumTopics"></div>
// put your forum's URL here to test it on your own forum
const baseForumURL = `https://forum.example.com`;

// how many topics you want to show
const numTopics = 6;

const targetEl = document.getElementById("forumTopics");
// If the posts don't load for some reason, you could show a link to the forum
targetEl.innerHTML = `<a class="link-to-discourse" href="${baseForumURL}/">View the latest forum posts</a>`;

function renderTemplate(topicsArr) {
    const items = topicsArr.map(
        (topic) => `<li><a href="${topic[1]}" target="_blank">${topic[0]}</li>`

    targetEl.innerHTML = `<ul>${items.join("\n")}</ul>`;

// tack `.json` on to any topic list
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((json) => {
        const topics = json.topic_list.topics
            .slice(0, numTopics)
            .map((t) => [


Thx, appreciate the full snippet

After initial test, only a link is displayed. But I think CORS is disabled, so gonna have my host enable that.
Meanwhile, how can I make the script only display post with a specific tag and from a specific category?


I’m not sure, but I think the format is

Example: the category is “support” and the tag is “css”:

To turn it into JSON, add .json on the end:

So in the fetch function, instead of /latest.json, use something like /tags/c/support/css.json.



And if I want to embed 5 topics in the Discourse-instance itself?

I make a topic. Make it a wiki. I publish it as a page. How do I embed the five latest topics from a specific category/tag or use the template this feature supports?


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What is the query parameter for top topics? I tried order="top" but it is not returning the top topics the same way the forum does based on a particular period. How can I replicate the forum filter result? Where can I look up the attribute values Discourse’s filter options take? Thank you!


Is it possible to change the font style of the embedded content? I tried CSS selectors like d-topics-list iframe html .topics-list .topic-list-item without success. Appreciate the pointer in advance!