Error when building: discourse does not support compiling scss/sass files via sprockets

I found out this error when I opened my web preparing to initiate the site. I didn’t know how to fix it, any one can help me pls

You got this error when doing a standard install? Or you are rebuilding a site that was working?

How much ram and swap do you have?

Development version, I think I only got 2GB ram…

Not rebuilding, I am now building the site

So Install Discourse for development using Docker or a native install?

I don’t think you can have a development machine with just 2gb.

native install…

The thing is that I want to install discourse for production, but my machine cannot support docker install as the swap is not enough. So I changed to development and I initally thought I can do this on a 2gb ram machine LOL

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If you want people who are not sitting at your computer to use it, you want a production install. If you can’t increase your swap to at least 2GB (which you should be able to do) then you’ll need to use a different VM.