Welcome to meta.discourse.org

Welcome to Meta, our official discussion site for Discourse. You’ll find topics on features, bugs, hosting, development, and general support here.

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Before posting on meta, please…

  • Have a look at our Hot view to see what’s currently trending
  • Visit the Top Posts to see the most actively discussed topics in the last year / month / week.
  • Visit the Categories to get a broad overview of what’s going on here.
  • Search before opening a new topic, as someone might have already created a topic.

Want to test Discourse features?

If you’re looking to test out any features or functions of Discourse please use our dedicated demo site at try.discourse.org rather than here in our community space. :slight_smile: :pray:

Other Discourse Instances…

If you’re looking for examples of active Discourse instances, check out our general directory of Discourse communities at Discourse Discover :discourse:

You can also see have a look at our customer list too. :slight_smile:

Thanks for helping us raise the level of discourse on the Internet with great open-source discussion software!