Kanban Board

:discourse2: Summary Kanban Board allows you to display and organise topics using a kanban board interface.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on theme-creator.discourse.org
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-kanban-theme
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginnerā€™s guide to using Discourse Themes

Install this theme component

So far, there are three modes. Categories, tags, and assignment. You can drag topics between lists to change the corresponding attributes:

Lists are ā€˜lazy-loadedā€™, so performance is reasonable, even for very large numbers of categories. You can enter fullscreen mode for even more space to organise your projects:

The default board mode will be automatically determined using these criteria:

  • If this is the top level, use categories mode
  • If this is a category, and there are sub-categories, use categories mode
  • Otherwise, use tags mode. (Lists built from ā€˜top tagsā€™ list)

You can change the board mode using the filter button on the left, and configuration changes will be reflected in the URL. Users can bookmark their favorite configuration in their browser. Administrators can customize the defaults per-category in the theme settings.

The most intuitive setup is ā€œtagsā€, where the tags displayed are in a tag group with ā€œonly one tag from this groupā€ enabled.

pr-welcome features:

  • make the lists more configurable. e.g. allow administrators to define a combination of assignment, tags, and categories in one display

  • Add support for dragging cards on mobile devices. Unfortunately they donā€™t support html drag and drop


A post was split to a new topic: Allow emoji in board title

@david one of our team made those changes you suggested to the Tag mod that @artysidorenko made. Would you like to check it out?

@david are those changes enough to merge our code into your plugin?

or are there further changes needed? i hope we can get it resolved before the next codebase update puts our addition behind and requiring more work again.

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Hi @ninjapenguin, thanks for the PR - I put a response on there. Unfortunately it still needs some changes before we can merge it. In particular, the issue around multiple AJAX requests needs to be resolved, otherwise clients will be rate-limited.


Itā€™s probably just tiredness, but I could have sworn that default view changed the default view to ā€˜boardā€™ for certain categories.

The description does say A list of categories where the "Board" is the default view. but I specify category stubs there andā€¦ nothing.


None of the options display categories, default modes and default view are working for me.

Iā€™ve seen replies like this on the thread and tried to replicate, but itā€™s just not working

Sure! I have a number of categories that follow this settings format:
display categories: category_slug
default modes: category_slug:tags:to-do,doing,done


Make sure the category names in your slug (i.e. setting of the category) have no caps in them. It doesnā€™t seem to like that.

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I thought I must have missed something. Thanks!

The other thing that I think I want, and I usually hate stuff like this, is to have another set of tags that can be used to set the color. I have today in a column but want to have colors for different types of jobs. How hard is it to add a div for tags?


Sorry, I donā€™t quite understand? You want to display tags on the cards? I think thatā€™s already possible?

Or do you want to add a class based on the tag?

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Hmm. So maybe I can make the columns be categories and then use tags too. I think that would solve my problem.

Right. What I think I want is to be able to have different cards in a column have different colors indicating . . . something.

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There is this version which makes the kanban boards work with tags, and adds a ā€˜boardā€™ tab to tag pages. It contained an error which sent too many requests, and so was never merged into the main plugin.

Unfortunately the developer who made the update dropped out and so the bug was never resolved, although itā€™s been running fine on our site until the latest Discourse update. Youā€™d be very welcome to use it if that would resolve your issue. @david commented on what needed done here, before it becomes a part of his main Kanban plugin code


Great work, @david. We have one use case where it would be helpful if the topics in each column were sorted by date created, rather than date of last reply. Is this possible? If itā€™s not a simple thing, I can go to #marketplace, but any clues would be appreciated.


Looks like I have found an issue with the the kanban theme:

  • default view in the kanban setttings it configured to ā€œabcā€
  • use the kanban board of category ā€œabcā€ (which is displayed correctly)
  • click the disource logo on the left side to go back to the discourse main start page

=> The kanban board is displayed which shouldnā€™t be the case actually as this is not the category ā€˜abcā€™

If I reload the discourse start page, the kanban board is no longer displayed. Looks like a JS / cache issue.


Is it possible to set this to only show specified tags site-wide?

I can set the options i need on some categories individually, but i want it to display only 4 tags for all categories and subcategories across the whole site (backlog, sprint, doing, done)


This would be highly useful. Was it ever implemented into the main repo?

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Iā€™ve stumbled on the same issue : After setting a categorie to the kanban view, switching to another categorie that is not supposed to have the ability to show kanban board, actually does.

My configuration is set as to being allowed on tags and on two categories only.

Just as you mentionned though : reloading the discourse start page resets everything back to normal.


Iā€™m on current tests-pass and version 1.0 of the component.

How do I set kanban as the default category view? Using tags mode. Board shows up as a selectable option in the menu, but Iā€™d like to assign it as the default view for the category. Iā€™ve tried customizing the component settings, but it just wonā€™t display as default category view. :frowning:


Another question:

  1. How can users of a kanban board ā€œdeleteā€ a topic which is on the kanban board? They normally get a message, that deleting is not possible and they should contact moderator.

  2. After moving a topic to the last column (= done), are these topics ā€œcleaned-upā€ automatically or how can this be achieved?

Thanks in advance.

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Is there any way to set this to only show tags from one tag-group sitewide?

I have it on tags mode and only want it to create a list for some tags across the site and not others. Users will be able to use tags like normal and the only ones which will create a column in the tags board are the tag-group ā€˜manufacturersā€™.

For example,

  • On my site the Kanban component is set to only create Kanban columns on all boards for the tag-group ā€˜manufacturersā€™.
  • If a user creates a thread and enters these tags: Honda, Convertible, Frank, Paris. The only tag which would create its own list in the board is ā€˜Hondaā€™.

I get the impression this is already possible using the params in ā€˜default modeā€™ setting, but i tried for hours and cant work it out.


Hey @angus, replying to your email here as requested.

Weā€™re looking to have two types of default board options:

  • Tags: todo, doing, done
  • Assigned

But Iā€™m unsure how to make it work in the component settings.