Custom Header Links (icons)

:discourse2: Summary Custom Header Links (icons) will allow you to easily add linked icons to the Discourse header.
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:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes

Install this theme component






This component includes a theme setting that allows you to add as many links as you want, determine their icons, and decide which devices they show up on!

Name Descriptions
header links List of links with the following properties: title, icon, URL, view and target
add whitespace If checked, this will add some whitespace between the default Discourse header icons and the custom icons added via this component
Svg icons Include FontAwesome 5 icon classes for each icon used in the list.


If the icon you want to use does not show up, then add it to the svg_icons setting in the component. if you add new icons, they need to be prefixed with FontAwesome 5 prefixes like fab, far and fas.


This is based on @techAPJ’s awesome tutorial here: (Superseded) Add new link on header beside search icon, and on @vinothkannans’s Brand header theme which was a great reference for the structure of this component.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @joffreyjaffeux 2024-07-17T07:03:10Z

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