Yes, but you would need to register the custom SVG in a plugin (themes should soon also be able to add custom icons to the SVG sprite set). See Introducing Font Awesome 5 and SVG icons for details.
I see thanks. I just have to list every tag I have in the CSS by name and specify the color. Would be nice though if I could do this from the admin panel like with the theme components using a comma separated list and providing the hex code just like for the icons.
Is there a way I can set a color for all tags in a tag group via CSS?
Looks like a fantastic tweak. Question for advice to the author: I am thinking of pimping my bland tags, some of which I use to tag posts by language (so I have tags “castellano”, “deutsch” etc.), with little country flags. Would uploading a custom .svg as described above be the way or are there preconfigured iconsets or maybe discourse-built-in emoji-sets that could be used?
Ok just one more semi-stupid question: how do I get the emoji to work as you did above with the francais? I tried creating a tag ":sweden:-svenska" but it doesn’t translate to the swedish flag
If I understood it right there isn’t an easy way of discovering the group a tag belongs to within the tag renderer?
This one would be great. I was using a custom CSS approach before and ditched it for this theme component with a fallback icon for all non-set tags (at least before the support for tag groups) and this is the one thing I miss.
Considering discourse-category-icons supports this, I’m guessing the renderer that replaceCategoryLinkRenderer replaces is used by the category dropdown while the renderer replaceTagRenderer replaces is NOT used by the tag dropdown, right? So maybe this would need a core change? The tag dropdown on the composer is using the replaced renderer, with icons.