Locations Plugin

:information_source: Summary Allows you to associate geocoded locations with Topics and show them on a beautiful map. Also allows your users to record their location and collectively display them on a central users map on your site.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - merefield/discourse-locations: Tools for handling locations in Discourse
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse
:heart: Sponsorship Please consider becoming an ongoing sponsor of my open source work at a level that suits your or your organisation’s resources and needs to ensure this plugin gets the maintenance it deserves and continues to work for your site in the future.

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I do not provide any guaranteed support for free. I can provide support to businesses or institutions who sign up to one of my GOLD or PLATINUM monthly Sponsorship tiers.

There is also a one-off bug hunt option.

Documentation Links

Administration Settings
Locations in Topics
Locations in Categories