Admin guide to tags in Discourse

:information_source: If you haven’t read it already, It’s Time We Talked About Tags provides an overview of how tags can be used as an organizational tool.

Configuring Tags

Tag settings can be found in your admin panel under the “Tags” section of your site settings.

Tagging is enabled by default. To disable tags, ensure that the tagging_enabled setting is unchecked.

Creating and applying tags

Tags are created upon first usage. When composing or editing a topic, a user with tag creation privileges will see a tag chooser next to the category chooser. (See site setting min trust to create tag).


Tags can also be adjusted when quick editing a topic title:

:mega: Please note that categories, depending on their settings, can optionally limit which tags may apply to that category.

Filter topics by tags

You can find the full list of tags on the /tags page on your site, along with a count of how often each tag has been used. Selecting a tag will present a list of topics that have had the tag applied.

:mega: If you ever need to filter topics by more than one tag at the same time, use the following URL syntax:

Manage a tag

  1. Go to the /tags page on your site.
  2. Select the tag you would like to manage
  3. Select the button to reveal options to rename, delete, and manage synonyms:

Bulk replace, append, or remove tags

  1. Visit any topic list duly filtered by tag
  2. Press the bulk-select button at the top left of the topic list to enable bulk selection
  3. Manually select topics or use the “Select All” option
  4. Once you have a selection, use the admin wrench button that appears at the top-right of the topic list to open the Bulk Actions modal
  5. There will be three tags options available:
    • Replace Tags - replace all existing tags on the selected topics with the tag or tags you specify
    • Append Tags - add new tags, keeping any existing tags in place
    • Remove Tags - remove all existing tags

Tag admin options (Manage tag groups, upload tags, and delete unused tags)

Go to the /tags page on your site and look for the tag admin button to the upper-right of the page:


:mega: For more information on tag groups see Set up structured tagging with tag groups and category tag restrictions.

Auto-tagging topics based on watched words

The watched words feature can be used to automatically tag topics based on the presence of specified words. Configuration is done at /admin/customize/watched_words/action/tag. Note that using this feature will not apply tags to topics retroactively at this time.

Related Topics

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-05-26T21:56:32Z

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