Topic List Thumbnails

:discourse2: Summary Topic List Thumbnails allows you to show topic thumbnails in topic list views.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (blog style)
Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (grid)
Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (list)
Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (masonry)
Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (minimal grid)
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes

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Optimized images are generated for the lists, and different resolutions are made available for high-dpi displays. Images are lazy-loaded as you scroll (where native browser support is available).

By default, Discourse will use the first image in the OP of the topic. If you would like to select a different image from the OP, add |thumbnail to the markdown. For example

![alttext|100x100|thumbnail](upload://bbb) << this one will be the thumbnail

There are five modes, configurable per category or tag using the theme settings.

For example:

Grid mode:

Masonry mode:

And list mode:

Tips and Tricks

If you want Oneboxes in your posts to generate thumbnails, you will need to turn on this site setting: download_remote_images_to_local. You’ll also need to rebake the relevant posts.


Name Description
default thumbnail mode Which thumbnail display mode should be used by default
docs thumbnail mode If the docs plugin is enabled, which thumbnail display mode should be used for docs topics
blog style categories The blog-style view will be used in these categories. This style makes use of topic-excerpts if enabled via theme or theme component
minimal grid categories The minimal grid view will be used in these categories
grid categories The grid view will be used in these categories
masonry categories The masonry view will be used in these categories
list categories The list view will be used in these categories
blog style tags
minimal grid tags The minimal grid view will be used for these tags
grid tags The grid view will be used for these tags
masonry tags The masonry view will be used for these tags
list tags The list view will be used for these tags
suggested topics mode Which thumbnail display mode should be used for suggested topics? If blank, will follow the ‘enable outside topic lists’ setting.
enable outside topic lists Enable thumbnails on non-topic-list pages (e.g. user activity, personal messages, suggested topics)
placeholder icon Icon to display on topics without thumbnail images
mobile thumbnails Enable thumbnails on mobile devices
list thumbnail size Base size for thumbnails in the ‘list’ view

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-15T22:22:55Z

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